Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Technology Interview

How are today's students using technology?

I recently conducted a survey of all my students (110 out of 178 in the school). I asked a number of questions and collected the results using Promethean Board Activotes. This kept responses anonymous and instantaneously recorded the data into easy to use graphs and charts.

Results were varied, but not surprising. Boys used computers for gaming, girls for commuication. Boys watched more TV than girls. 8th graders watched less TV than 6th graders. 7th graders reported that their cellphones were the most important piece of technology they owned. (Follow up questions reveled that most of the 7th graders received a cellphone for Christmas.) Over 70 percent of ALL students families own more than one television.

Since our community is located in the mountain foothills, cellphone reception can be spotty depending on location. Students responded that they spent more communicating with friends via IM (Instant Messaging, MySpace, FaceBook) than with cellphone texting. Our school sits in a relative "dead zone" for cellphone coverage, so we rarely have a problem with texting in school. Most students bring cellphones to school for use as MP3 players.
Over 80 percent of those surveyed have access to a computer at home. All students responded that they get at least one hour of access to computers at school. 32 percent of students have their own laptop or computer in their room.

I interviewed 3 students and asked them some of the same questions I asked in the schoolwide survey. Kaitlyn, Katelyn, and Michelle provided some interesting insights into their use of technology at home and at school.
OR GOTO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAh39u6IXKc to view on YouTube.

1 comment:

  1. Todd!!!! Oh my goodness.... I was talking with someone about the Continentals today and googled your name.... and found your blog! I live in Colorado Springs now. Do you guys ever make it up north here? I about fell out of my CHAIR when I saw your beautiful kids. i would love to connect with you guys for dinner or coffee sometime... and would even go down to Pueblo! My email address is jsweet@messengerintl.org. Would love to hear from you guys!!

    Much love,
    Jacque Sweet
